In many jobs drawing and sketching have turned into a valuable form of visual communication. It allows ideas to be crafted, communicated, and manifested. Interior design is a job that requires the practice to carry out multifaceted tasks, but you may wonder, “does interior design require drawing?”.
Due to the dense amount of information that can be stored and conveyed through drawing, it has become one of the key skills required for interior designing. To be an effective interior designer, you would have to understand the relationship between colors, lighting, materials, textures, background, and how it all comes together aesthetically.
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Visualizing Design
For interior designers, building new concepts and ideas for space planning is the lifeblood of their profession. These ideas take root in the designer’s mind and need to be conceptualized and portrayed in the real world.
While jotting the idea is one way of portraying it in the real world, it would be hard for anyone other than the original designer to visualize the idea from such a method.
Hence, a more effective means for visualizing a concept is required, which is where drawing comes into play.
For interior designing, drawing does not refer to concocting beautiful portraits, rather it is the skill of using lines, numbers, symbols, shapes, positions, sizes, and much more to express the designer’s idea.
This can be done through free sketches, design software such as AutoCAD, working drawing, presentation drawing, etc.
These many forms of drawings exist only to help the designer concretize an idea with visuals. While the means may vary according to the occasion, for example, you might want to provide a rough sketch to your team, but a proper working drawing to a client stresses how necessary drawing is to the profession.
The Necessity of Drawing in Interior Design
The value of putting pen to paper is indispensable in any field. Be it music, art, writing in any field where we have to conceptualize our creativity. Drawing has long since served as a key catalyst in bringing design ideas to actualization.
In a professional setting, an interior designer would be expected to transfer and translate their ideas to the world through visuals.
Since this is supposed to be the designer’s default mode of communication with their clients and within their team, it would be an automatic process where the designer will start to develop an idea in their mind and automatically start drawing a sketch.
Drawings help team members work together, develop on top of an initial idea and help distinguish a designer from their clients.
Knowing the fundamentals of drawing is rudimentary to any aspiring interior designer. Understanding how to develop through drawing, evaluating through them, and communicating the intricate design details such as the architecture, space planning, and materials can be the difference between an experienced and novice interior designer.
Advantages of Drawing
Drawing isn’t added to the repertoire of key skills an interior designer should possess simply because it impresses clients. Rather, drawing allows a designer to start sifting through an entire plan for concretizing a design concept to verify if it achieves industry-grade value.
Once an interior designer starts crafting or has completed an initial drawing, it allows him to grasp the feasibility of his own concept as well.
It can allow them to think and discover any flaws or shortcomings in their process almost immediately. An overly ambitious design might not seem too ridiculous until it’s put to paper.
Once the design has been expressed and manifested as a drawing, it gives the designer room to understand their personal brand of ideas and concepts.
As any creative designer, you will almost always have a propensity towards a theme or genre; drawings can help you reflect on this and help construct your personal brand.
Another advantage of drawing is that it gives form to something as abstract as an idea; it also helps the designer forget or misconstrue one design idea from another.
As an interior designer, you might not be working at just one design at a time but multiple projects at once. As such, there’s always a chance for one design to influence another.
While this may or may not be a bad thing, putting different designs to different drawings helps to isolate them and keep their work-flow from merging. This also allows the designer to structure their thinking and see the design at both a micro and macro level.
This allows for a higher order of control on design aspects such as the material being used and its effect on the entire design space as a whole.
Bonus Advantages of Drawing
As a bonus, drawing also helps track, record, and document the changes being made in your design. This helps track common errors and improvements being added or removed.
Drawing as a Means for Communication
As an interior designer, you aren’t expected to just make designs; you also need to sell them to clients. And clients generally will not be able to figure out whether your design is what they want simply from oral speech.
Drawings, however, can help both the client understand that if your designs meet their requirements and allow you to understand what the client’s requirements are through a process of elimination.
It is the optimal mode of communication and helps showcase your design’s intricate details very easily.
Do Interior Designers have to be Good at Drawing
Now we understand how crucial drawing is to an interior designer. But remember, as an interior designer, you don’t have to be a Picasso to be a good interior designer.
Drawing is a key element of your process and your main mode of communication; it is simply a tool of your trade and not your trade itself.
The methods of drawing available to an interior designer are myriad, as are computer software that can help make this task easier. Drawing is also something that you can keep improving at.
As an interior designer, it’s your aesthetic sense and your ability to bring a space together that is integral to your design, while drawing helps you achieve it.