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Can you Paint a Mural on your House?

Can you Paint a Mural on your House?

Do you want to paint a DIY mural on your house? Are you wondering about what are the essential supplies required to paint murals?

Do you want a rough idea about the average cost of mural painting, and what kinds of paints are suitable for indoor and outdoor murals?

If these are the questions circulating your mind then give this article a scan? In this article, we’ll discuss all of them in detail.

Other related topics to help you paint murals:

can you paint a mural on your house

You can paint a mural on your house. 

To paint a mural on your house you will require an expert skill level and a lot of supplies. Likewise, cost requirements would depend on the size and wall area, with a standard one costing $180 and $207 per square foot. 

A mural is a painting incorporated into the surface of a wall or ceiling.

The word can apply to painting on fired tiles, but it usually does not refer to mosaic decoration as it is part of the painting’s overall scheme. There are three types of murals:

  1. Painted mural
  2. Abstract mural
  3. Ceramic mural

Mural painting on your house:

As mentioned before, this extensive work of art requires plenty of supplies, preparations, and serious efforts. Essential techniques to paint a mural are almost the same as miniature paintings, but you display your artwork on a large canvas. You need to outline your desired sketch or design with or without a grid and then carefully position paint. So that when you’re done, the colors dry.

Most mural artists often paint their murals in layers and then varnish to preserve their art for a long time.

Mural painting supplies:

To paint a miniature freehanded mural painting here, it is the list of bare necessities you require:

  • Paint
  • Paint roller and brushes
  • Drop cloths
  • Paint trays
  • Painters tape
  • Sandpaper
  • Putty knife
  • Rags

Can you use Acrylic paint on interior walls?

Acrylics are the safest color to use for murals. Acrylic paints have a good light fastness quality, which means they won’t fade or change color over time.

Acrylic paints are suitable for use on almost any surface. They’re bright, opaque, and some of the higher-end models are also water and light-resistant.

Acrylic paint has a greater ability to expand and stretch than latex paint.

Get premixed colors or acrylic artist paint to complete your mural. They are incredibly affordable, come in various shades, and have excellent coverage.

It is better to use latex paints for indoor wall spaces that offer lower cost, easy cleanups, and less odor, along with waterproof and crack-proof properties.

You can save money by using latex paint (also known as interior household paint) for underpaintings as it costs less than artist-grade acrylics with more excellent coverage.

Acrylic paint is chemically dependent, and it needs paint thinners. Its chemical makeup demands extra caution while handling.

Since acrylic paint will contain toxic fumes, you’ll want to make sure you’re using sufficient ventilation.

You can use acrylic paints for indoor mural painting, but acrylic paints their chemical base, making them more challenging to clean up and emit more odors and gases than latex paints. 

How much does it cost to paint a mural?

Murals will cost a lot of money depending on their shape and scale. Its complexity determines the average cost of mural painting, generally calculated on a per-square-foot basis.

A mural painted outside is usually more costly than one painted inside because higher-quality materials with weather-resistant properties are needed.

Here are common considerations that impact the cost of a mural when you hire an artist to paint it:

  • Certain artists charge day rates rather than hourly rates and can give you an idea of how long the mural will take to finish and how much it will cost.
  • On brittle or challenging to deal surfaces, such as wood or stucco, artists charge more for labor and materials to obtain the desired result.
  • If you’re an artist, you can purchase your paint and supplies to create your mural. Before drawing, use a stencil or sketch it out by hand with a pencil.
  • Consider prepping the walls you’re going to paint yourself. Then you’re just paying for the supplies you’ll use to prepare.

The estimated cost of a mural painting is between $180 and $207 per square foot. You may also be paid on a per-day basis.

On average, an artist can expect to pay $262 a day, but this can vary depending on the artist and their prices.

Homeowners typically plan to pay between 30% and 50% of the overall cost upfront, with the remainder due upon completion.

Cost provided items          Unit  Range-Low  Range-HighAverage Cost
Design fee and materials




Rendering  Per m2  180$180  $207  $193
Mural painter  Per day  207$207  $319  $262

How do you paint a wall mural at home?

Get your supplies and let’s get painting if you like a little DIY and are up for a challenge:

  • Start by imagining how you want the finished product to look, and keep in mind that you aren’t restricted to four walls of the same color.
  • Gather your tools for a wall mural at home, choose your area, protect your surroundings, and clean the wall from dirt and grease (do some scrubbing and use an all-purpose cleaner to wash the wall).
  • Decide your painting technique, choose your paints and mix them according to the requirements. It is better to sketch the mural on the wall to work more appropriately.
  • Start painting your mural and make sure the space is well ventilated so the paint fumes can escape.
  • Start at the back of your mural and work your way to the front. Layout the design’s base colors first, maintaining clean transfer edges from one hue to the next. To avoid the paint drying out until you’re done, mix as much of a pigment as you like and spray it all at once.
  • Complete your mural and remove all painter’s tape, collect drop cloths, and clean all paintbrushes with soap and water or mineral spirits (for oil-based paints).


It is a fun task to paint a mural on your house!

The length of time it takes to complete your project is determined by the size of the room, the method you use to paint, and your ability level.

Some spaces may be completed in a matter of hours, while others can take several days. Be sure you prepare for more time than you expect the job would require, and don’t forget to plan for planning and cleaning.