With different schools of thought in place, the debate about Digital Art and traditional art has been in place since the start of art in the digital form. This debate asks, is digital art really art?
Considering Digital Art as unreal because it is managed on machines is not the right way to deal with it. It requires skill, technique, and tools, just like traditional art. However, the simple manipulation of artificial intelligence should be kept separate from the entire debate.
If you have come to this article in finding an answer to the debate then let’s have an in-depth look over the topic and share why such a question arises in the first place.
Why does the debate of Digital Art being real art exist?
Let me share the two school of thoughts prevailing in the industry:
For traditional artists, Digital Art design does not require any effort from the creator. They can ask their computer to draw a bird, and they’ll get a bird in front of them without having to think or do anything. So, for this school of thought, adopting as a hobby and categorizing themselves as the artist shouldn’t be acceptable.
As for the other school of thought, they believe that they can do wonders with digital technology. Creating gradients and color combinations is not just a click; you have to use your imagination and learn the tool to a professional level to get something in the digital format. But the point where people follow the above example, even the Digital Artists (the sane ones) don’t consider them artists.
From where did it start?
This debate has been there from the very start, but it has recently gained more importance because of the Tiktok videos (although, I don’t believe that the general audience has a right to trigger such a debate through hate comments). The designers holding an aisle and paintbrush are often appreciated for their work and talent. Still, it is the opposite if a person shares a tablet and stylus in hand with a designing application. People consider it something funny or non-serious, bashing the designer and indulging in hate speech.
This is the point, which stimulates the discussion in the current population of designers and the traditional art, which is often predictable -a fight.
Asking if Digital Art is similar to the question, if the digital designers have skill?
Just go a bit deeper into the question, “Is Digital Art really art”? Doesn’t this question want to imply if the digital designer has some skills? What do you think? Do you think you can get a logo design from an individual if he/she doesn’t know about the tools and has no creative ability?
Here’s what I think:
Can you think of a brochure design with complete details if you haven’t been into the industry? If not, then definitely the logo designer and the brochure creator have some skill that helps them bring in the best for you.
If they have the skill, then it means that the Digital Art they have been practicing is art. Won’t you agree?
What’s the scope of traditional art?
Traditional art is undoubtedly one of the best art forms, but it does not hold the same momentary value as Digital Art. You can apply for different jobs, showcase your work in more detail and to the relevant audience, but all of this is lacking in traditional art, mainly exhibited in museums.
Can both digital and traditional art go together?
For real artists, it can. The artists with the traditional skills and creativity can jump into the online world to explore the toolset and variations they can enjoy while generating their exhibits with the traditional form of art side by side. This can bring more value to art, irrespective of the debate if Digital Art is real art or not.
Wouldn’t it be better if we can define art?
With all the debate from both sides, it is still unclear what is included in the art and how the people raising questions about the legitimacy of Digital Art design define it.
What is art for you? For us, it includes creativity, skill, humor, and mischief. No matter what form or medium you adopt, a particular thing having all or any of these aspects can be defined under it.
So, I think with this definition, there is no reason for us to believe that Digital Art is not a form of art.
Do you know Digital Art has different forms too?
Yeah, just like the traditional art that most of us believe to be real, Digital Art has its type too. If you aren’t familiar with it, let’s shed some light on it to help you understand the reality that comes with this art form.
Painting, sculpting, and drawing are the major domains. You might also want to categorize it as stills and animations. Within these domains, you can find even more sub-domains, just like traditional art. Isn’t it another similarity that you find between traditional and Digital Art?
Today, you can convert it to real art too:
Like you can take pictures of the exhibits from the artists, and it would be digital. Similarly, you can convert the digital form of art from your computer to paper, and it would attain the physical shape.
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Summing up:
I believe it is all a matter of perception. Whether Digital Art or traditional Art, both need creativity, skill, and the right tools, without which you cannot enjoy the beauty of the design. However, relying on the machine solely (refer to the voice command example) isn’t the right form to portray the art. It has to be unique, creative, and humorous or must cover at least one of the traits that come with the definition or the general perception of the art to qualify as one.